The course is coming to an end!It feels good that there is chance to know what one achieves after 10 weeks of online study and how one apporached this study.
This week is dealing with Learning styles and tehcnology application to address learners' differences.
Very interesting information can be found at
We may conclude that peoaple learn and deal with new concept or inormation in a way that is suitable for them.
Recently I have also known about Multiple Intelligences.I have met this term befora and was interested in such a classification that is close to learning styles, after all we learn throughout our life. However, what technology tools can help to people who belong to this or that category is something new. After reading some useful tips at I learn what technolgoy tools might be helpful for different learners
There exists 9 categories
1. Verbal/linguistic
2. Logical/mathematical
3. Visula/spatial
7. Interpersonal
8. Naturalist
9. Existentialist
The names suggest themsleves what way people learn better. I think we can be a mixture of 2 or more. But no matter how we learn, what we get in the end is what matters!!!
Hi Liliya,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts on Week 9 of the course.
You aptly state that students "learn and deal with new concepts or information in a way that is suitable for them." We all approach new information with our own unique cognitive patterns and personal learning modalities. Consequently, we all see the world in a unique way. This uniqueness is definitely a good thing. Indeed, it would be a boring world if we all shared the same learning styles and had the same strengths and weaknesses!
I also like the fact that you use "we" when you talk of people having a variety of learning styles. It is important for us to remember that "we" as teachers also have unique learning styles! This is because the way we learn can strongly influence the way we instruct and evaluate our students. It is important for us (as teachers) to be aware of the learning-style biases that might be inherent in our own teaching. We need to make sure we are not favouring one particular style of learning over others. In other words, we need to be self-aware so that we can ensure that all learning styles are being embraced and included in our teaching (and not just the learning style we personally know best). We want to make sure all students have an opportunity to fully participate in, and benefit from, the educational process.
Kind Regards,
Dear Liliya,
ReplyDeleteRecent studies have identified another type of intelligence , the emotional one .
"Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EI as:
1. Knowing your emotions.
2. Managing your own emotions.
3. Motivating yourself.
4. Recognising and understanding other people's emotions.
5. Managing relationships, ie., managing the emotions of others."
Resource :
Dear Liliya,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post. I agree that it feels good knowing how much we have learned during these nine weeks, on the other hand, I feel sad that we won't be sharing our ideas and experience any longer. I will miss the discussions, I will miss Deborah's and my other colleagues' support and suggestions. Hopefully, we will continue being in touch with each other.
I agree that we have learned a lot, but I think that we are still not aware how much information and knowledge we have gained. With time we will realize the amount of knowledge gained from this online course.
This is the first time to read a post from the bottom to the top. You always touch my heart by your words, I hope to keep communicating even after this journey ends.