Friday, July 16, 2010

Week 4: Working on Lesson Plan

One more task for htis week was to create a tehcnology enhanced lesson plan. Actually, it took me more time than I had expected.
Privided with the template of the lesson plan with tehcnology, I started thinking of how all what we have discussed in our weekly posts can be incorporated in this single piece of work. To tell the truth, I was intimidated by my coursemates and by how they approached this assignment: stating clear and measurable objectives, using multiple online tasks and quizzes. At first, I was thinking of writing lesson plan for Academic writing II course, but thought it would not be so much interesting. So, I focused on Integrated Skills. Though, I followed the example of my coursemate Camelia, my own objectives turned out to be not observable. It is good that Deborah provided her comment on this part of the plan. Now my task is to review the objectives and make them more obvious to students! That is the next step in my task.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Liliya,

    I think that we don't have to use all the tools or sites that we are exposed to in this course in one single piece of work. Actually, the first week I thought that my work with my students will definitely include blogs! Deborah said then that most probably we would use other tools as well! She is right!
    Actually, we can use different web sites and web tools with different classes. One important thing is that our tools should serve our educational goals and meet the needs of the students.

